About Us

At Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we truly believe in quality products, quality services and quality people. Since 1977, we have serviced the Florida area and currently provide plumbing, mechanical (heating and air conditioning) and gas piping services. We employ more than 1000 individuals between our Pasco County home office and satellite locations in Polk, Orange, and Hillsborough counties. Today, there are more than 320 Bayonet Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning trucks on the road.

In December 2020, IES Residential acquired Bayonet Plumbing and brought them under the IES umbrella. 

What Matters Most

At IES Residential we believe in the power of our employees and take pride in the diversity of culture, talent, and experience found within our community. This 2-minute video will give you a small glimpse into the best part of our company: our people.

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